
Facebook page

19/09/2016 19:57

A very active Facebook page is currently up and running for the school. This will be a positive place to celebrate the successes of the children and it will also provide you with useful information. The website will continue to be updated also and you will find more detailed information about the school here. 


Food Dudes

07/04/2016 20:19

We are currently participating again in the Food Dudes programme in the school. Click on the link below to find out more information. 


Student Council

23/02/2016 13:27

We are currently in the process of electing a new student council. Pupils have been asked whether they want to stand for election or not and are being given the opportunity to make speeches and canvas for votes. We will update who is on the council when the election are over. 



St. Safan's N.S.

Co. Donegal.
